Guntastic now available on Steam and Xbox
After a little more than a year in Early Access and four major updates, Guntastic is now available on Steam and Xbox.
Pre-order Guntastic on Xbox
Guntastic is coming to Xbox on December 4. Pre-order it now!
Early Access Update 1.40: A.I. Opponents & Revamped Online Experience
The fourth, largest-to-date Early Access update for Guntastic is out today, featuring A.I. opponents and a completely revamped online experience.
Early Access Update 1.30: High Voltage Potatoes
A new action-packed level and a new character make their appearance in the third Early Access update for Guntastic, out today.
Early Access Update 1.20: Unicorns And Accessibility
Happy holidays from the Ludicrous Games team! Today we're releasing the second Early Access update for Guntastic, featuring a brand new character and several improvements.
Early Access Update 1.10: Heavy Boots, Stage Cycle, Bug Fixes
Guntastic was released to Steam Early Access one week and two days ago today! To celebrate this totally random time since the initial release, we bring to you the first Early Access update, which includes two community-suggested features and obligatory bug fixes.
Devlog #6 - Early Access Release, Game Rules, Xbox One, Bug Fixes And More!
For the very first Early Access release of the game we added support for customizing how a match is played, fixed several player-reported issues and more. Also expect a Xbox One release of Guntastic in 2020!
Join the Guntastic Early Access on 21st November
Building on the great experience of last month's beta, Guntastic will be released in Early Access later this month, on 21st November.
Announcing Guntastic Beta Hotfix #1
Bug happens! Thanks to the feedback of our awesome community we've been able to catch several bugs and fix them in preparation for the beta weekend.
Devlog #5 - Beta Improvements
In the last development sprint before the game enters open beta we focused on fixing bugs and improving existing functionalities, but we still managed to add some new features.
Join the Guntastic Beta
Sign-up now for the Guntastic Beta and help us making sure nasty bugs don't prevent you from exploding your friends in online games!
Devlog #4 - Pronti? Via!
Early localization support debuts in Guntastic with the Italian language, alongside new character portraits. If you happen to be at Milan Games Week 2019 at the end of the month, come play Guntastic at the indie booth!
The Music of Guntastic
Creating retro 16bit-like music using modern techniques: an in-depth look at how we approached production of the Guntastic soundtrack.
Devlog #3 - Logo Refresh
As Guntastic evolved during development, the old logo begun feeling more and more outdated. This week we present the first (and, hopefully, last) refresh of the logo since its inception two years ago.
Devlog #2 - Of Sewers and Menus
In our second biweekly dev log Simone gives a fresh lick of paint to our very first level, while I start working on the most daunting task in game development: the main menu.
Devlog #1 - Meet Mr. Poopypants
Join us on our very first biweekly dev log. Highlight of the week: meet our latest playable character - Mr. Poopypants!
Anatomy of a Level
How levels in Guntastic are built and how we came there.
3 Tricks to Improve Pixel Art Rendering in UE4
A series of tricks that we use inside Unreal Engine 4 to obtain a more authentic pixelated look in Guntastic.
Anatomy of a Character
An overview of our character creation workflow, from the concept stage to the actual implementation in Unreal Engine 4.
Pixel Sharp Graphics at Multiple Screen Resolutions
It's tricky to get pixel art to look good at different screen resolutions and aspect ratios. In this post we present the approach we currently use in Guntastic, which is a mix of three different techniques: scaling, thick borders and letterboxing.
The Basics of Guntastic
Finding a good tradeoff between gameplay requirements and graphics resolution in a pixel art game: our approach with Guntastic.
Baby Steps in Pixel Art
Let's go over some of the basic principles behind pixel art platformers.
So, What's This?
Welcome to the Ludicrous Games development blog.